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三、会谈和主持会议 At meetings and conferences


Welcome everyone. Please be seated.

42. 开始会谈前,请允许我介绍一下,我方参加人员。

Before we start, let me introduce the participants from our side.

43. 我代表苏州市政府和人民对你来访表示热烈欢迎。

On behalf of the government and the people of Suzhou, I wish to express a warm welcome to you.

44. 首先,我要转达王先生对你的诚挚问候。

First of all, I wish to convey to you the warm greetings from Mr. Wang.

45. 现在请你介绍一下,贵方代表团成员。

Would you please introduce the members of your delegation?

46. 很高兴我同李女士再次相见,我对上次相见记忆犹新。

I am glad to meet you again, Miss Li. I still remember our last meeting.

47. 我们上次谈得很愉快,双方达成许多共识。

We had a pleasant talk and reached an agreement on many issues.

48. 这次我希望同贵方进行深入交流。

This time I hope to have an in-depth exchanges of view.

49. 你们是远道而来的客人,请先谈。

You are our guests coming afar. Would you like to speak first?

50. 刚才,贵方发表了很好的看法,我方都赞成。

You have made some good points. We fully agree.

51. 现在我着重谈一下几点意见。

Now I would like to make the following points.

52. 我们的会谈很愉快,取得了一系列成果。

We've had a good and productive talk.

53. 希望我们今后有机会继续进行交流。

I hope we will have the opportunity to continue our discussion.

54. 我代表会议主办方,欢迎大家与会。

One behalf of the organizer of the conference, I wish to extend a warm welcome to you all.

55. 这次会议是由...发起的。

This conference is initiated by...

56. 会议的主题是...

The theme of the conference is...

57. 会议的日程如下...

The program of the conference is as follows: … 

58. 出席会议的有:

Present at today's conference are ...

59. 下面我们进行第一项议程:

Now let's take up the first item on the agenda.

60. 会议结束前,我要向全体与会者表示感谢。

Before we conclude, I wish to thank all the participants.

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